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NEWS: How Rich Are the Poorest Marvel Stars? The Answer May Surprise You

June 13th 2019 By Game Profits

Considering how wildly successful Avengers: Endgame alone has been, it may be hard to think of any Marvel actor as being poor. And truthfully, none of them are.

Of course, poor is a relative term. Many of the major Marvel actors (read: The Avengers) have net worths of at least $50 million. But not everyone can kickstart a whole cinematic universe like Robert Downey Jr. and bag $75 million for Infinity War alone. Some have to settle for less than one-tenth of that amount. And by less than one-tenth, we mean something like a measly $2 million.

Here are the “poorest” MCU actors who will probably be less poor once their agents renegotiate their deals after Avengers: Endgame. Rankings are based on a list by The Gamer, with some revisions of our own. We’ll go from least to most money.

Chadwick Boseman

Chadwick Boseman | Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for MTV

He’s only the king of Wakanda and king of the MCU, with Black Panther being the highest-grossing Marvel movie which doesn’t have Avengers in the title. He’s bound to get more than $2 million for the sequel, which could appear as early as 2021.

Karen Gillan

Gillan is so stern and fierce as Nebula that one could argue the MCU movies don’t show her at her best. The actress has a particular flair for comedy, be it on TV shows like Selfie. Movies like Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle or her zany Instagram posts. And for all that, she only has a net worth of $2 million. Watch that climb after the Jumanji sequel later this year.

Tom Holland

We know that Peter Parker is only a high school kid, but give us a break. Surely he deserves more than $4 million, especially after being dusted for five years and having to be held back in high school. We’ll see how much July’s Spider-Man: Far From Home raises his stakes.

Elizabeth Olsen

Elizabeth Olsen was already a rising star even before entering the MCU. Not only has she taken the spotlight ceded by her twin sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley, but Elizabeth has made her mark in a wide variety of shows, from indies like Martha Marcy May Marlene to blockbusters like the 2014 Godzilla. All that and more gives her a net worth of about $5 million.

howricharepoorestmarvelstars.1560429812.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/13 11:43 (external edit)