====== NEWS: CIARA IS NAKED FOR HER NEW ALBUM! ====== June 11th 2019 By Game Profits {{ :wiki:ciaracropednaked.jpeg?350 |}} Ciara decided to show nothing but hair and shoes for this phot shoot. Check out her Instagram photo to see what she is up to next. Ciara says, "The label folds, the executive that signed me went to another label, and I had to re-audition for another label to hope that they would give me a shot to put out my first song that I had already prepared to put out. And then another change happened in that system and I had to switch to another system. Sometimes you don't know it's happening but those tough moments build your character. They give you wisdom and so you have to embrace those moments because they really turn out to be beauty marks." {{ :wiki:originalciaranaked.jpeg?350 |}}