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howricharepoorestmarvelstars [2019/06/13 12:33]
firstwizard created
howricharepoorestmarvelstars [2019/06/13 11:43] (current)
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 {{ :wiki:chadwick-bosemen-1024x683.jpg?350 |}} {{ :wiki:chadwick-bosemen-1024x683.jpg?350 |}}
 == Chadwick Boseman | Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for MTV == == Chadwick Boseman | Emma McIntyre/Getty Images for MTV ==
 +He’s only the king of Wakanda and king of the MCU, with Black Panther being the highest-grossing Marvel movie which doesn’t have Avengers in the title. He’s bound to get more than $2 million for the sequel, which could appear as early as 2021.
 +===== Karen Gillan =====
 +Gillan is so stern and fierce as Nebula that one could argue the MCU movies don’t show her at her best. The actress has a particular flair for comedy, be it on TV shows like Selfie. Movies like Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle or her zany Instagram posts. And for all that, she only has a net worth of $2 million. Watch that climb after the Jumanji sequel later this year.
 <html><script async src=""></script> <html><script async src=""></script>
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 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
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-He’s only the king of Wakanda and king of the MCU, with Black Panther being the highest-grossing Marvel movie which doesn’t have Avengers in the title. He’s bound to get more than $2 million for the sequel, which could appear as early as 2021. 
 +===== Tom Holland =====
 +{{ :wiki:1280_chris_hemsworth.jpg?350 |}}
-{{youtube>RhaDPDf-xsM?large}}+We know that Peter Parker is only a high school kid, but give us a break. Surely he deserves more than $4 million, especially after being dusted for five years and having to be held back in high school. We’ll see how much July’s Spider-Man: Far From Home raises his stakes.
 +===== Elizabeth Olsen =====
 +{{ :wiki:olsen.png?350 |}}
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 +Elizabeth Olsen was already a rising star even before entering the MCU. Not only has she taken the spotlight ceded by her twin sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley, but Elizabeth has made her mark in a wide variety of shows, from indies like Martha Marcy May Marlene to blockbusters like the 2014 Godzilla. All that and more gives her a net worth of about $5 million.
howricharepoorestmarvelstars.1560429211.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/13 11:33 (external edit)