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oaksmainscreen [2019/03/30 13:56]
firstwizard created
oaksmainscreen [2019/04/01 20:44]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +<html><script async src="//"></script>
 +<!-- Oakz Mining Game Guide -->
 +<ins class="adsbygoogle"
 +     style="display:block"
 +     data-ad-client="ca-pub-5390948865332720"
 +     data-ad-slot="5949526914"
 +     data-ad-format="auto"
 +     data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins>
 +(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
 ====== User Interface ====== ====== User Interface ======
Line 4: Line 15:
-This is the main screen you see after starting oakz mining. Here can start playing the game. Let's go through the at buttons and learn to get around ! +This is the main screen start at after loggin in to Oakz Mining. Here you can start playing the game. Let's go through the at buttons and learn to get around ! 
 {{ :oaksmining:oaksuserinterface.png?400 |}} {{ :oaksmining:oaksuserinterface.png?400 |}}
Line 19: Line 30:
-On the main screen you can spin world to view locations by pressing on the arrow buttons on each side of the globe.+On the main screen you can spin the world around to view  different regional locations by pressing on the arrow buttons on each side of the globe.
 {{ :oaksmining:oaksarrowleft.png?30 |}} {{ :oaksmining:oaksarrowright.png?30 |}} {{ :oaksmining:oaksarrowleft.png?30 |}} {{ :oaksmining:oaksarrowright.png?30 |}}
Line 26: Line 37:
 {{ :oaksmining:notificationsscreen.png?300 |}} {{ :oaksmining:notificationsscreen.png?300 |}}
-This globe in the middle is a universal "go back" button+This globe in the middle is a universal "go back" button.
 {{ :oaksmining:backbutton.png?80 |}} {{ :oaksmining:backbutton.png?80 |}}
 +===== How To =====
 +  * [[oaksuserinterface|User Interface Introduction]]
 +            * [[oaksmainscreen| Main Screen]]
 +            * [[minerconsole| Miner Console]]
 +            * [[oakstraderconsole | Trader Console ]]
 +            * [[movinglocations|Moving Locations]]
 +                * [[movingthroughmap|Move Through Maps]]
 +===== Videos =====
 +  * [[oakspurchaseminer|Purchase Miner Location]]
 +  * [[oaksbuyaminer|Buy A Free Miner]]
 +  * [[oaksplaceminer|Place Miner]]
 +  * [[collect|Collect Gold and oaks]]
 +  * [[sell|Sell Oaks gold and oaks]]
oaksmainscreen.txt ยท Last modified: 2019/04/01 19:44 (external edit)